Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Fact of the Day


Deforest RankCountry NameForest Area Cut (in Hectares)
3Russian Federation532,200
5Papua New Guinea250,200
Help offset deforestation; donate $1 to plant one tree!

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Fact of the Day

Green House Gas Emissions

According to FAO data, 59.3% of GHG emissions in Indonesia came from land-use change and forestry in 2011.

Acccording to FAO data, 15.5% of GHG emissions in Boreal Forests came from land-use change and forestry in 2011.

Fact of the Day


of all greenhouse gas emissions are the result of deforestation.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Fact of the Day


square miles of forest are lost each year.
That's equivalent to 36 football fields every minute.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Tree Facts

Here are some facts about trees we thought you should know...

Only 20% of forests are properly protected

80,000 acres of forests disappear from Earth EACH DAY!

70% of the world’s plants and animals live in forests and are losing their habitats to deforestation. 

  • Loss of habitat can lead to species extinction. This is not only a biodiversity tragedy but also has negative consequences for medicinal research and local populations who rely on the animals and plants in the forests for hunting and medicine.

Why not plant a tree today and help offset the effects of deforestation? 

Plant a tree for only ONE DOLLAR

We are reforesting 4 main regions around the world. They are in desperate need of help. You can help today by donating ONE DOLLAR to plant ONE TREE.

It only take ONE DOLLAR to make a difference.

Watch you dollar grow stronger!!

Donate Today!!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Plant one tree for one dollar

Lets invest into Nature and plant a tree!

Help me support One Tree Planted by making a donation. The process is fast, easy, and secure. EVERY dollar donated to this campaign will help plant one tree and raise awareness about deforestation. Lets help this Planet we all share.
$1 donated = 1 Tree Planted! We truly appreciate any support you can provide. It will benefit a great cause! Every dollar donated will plant a tree in HAITI, which has suffered greatly from deforestation and continues to suffer. 
We want you to see your dollar get stronger. So, for every 10$ donated, each of the team members will do a different fit exercise for you to follow along. Get fit and strong while your dollar helps strengthen the regrowth of forests.

Thanks so much for your generosity!
